Friday, August 22, 2008

More Fun with Photo Hybridization

variations on The Dancer Can Fly --
all photos and photo-hybrids copyright 2008 Larry Hoyt
I shot a whole bunch of photos yesterday, August 21, 2008, at the New York State Fair.
One of the more interesting subjects to catch my eye yesterday was a very athletic young dancer onstage at the theater in the Arts & Home Center.
This gal could jump!
She could practically fly!
I was very impressed with her abilities and I shot several photos of her dancing.

Here's one of them that I call "The Dancer Can Fly".
The top image is pretty close to the original framing and image levels;
then there's a much cropped version.
And then... two of my Photo Abstracted PhotoShop hybrids.

I don't know if "photo abstractions" is really the right phrase to describe what I'm doing.
Photo Expressions?
Photo Impressions?
Photo Hybrids?

Whatever -- I take the original photo and then manipulate it with a variety of PhotoShop effects -- this time including one of my favs, "difference clouds," and something called "chrome," plus a few others.

I find the whole process interesting.
In the last image, the medium close-up photo abstraction, there are things going on with the mix of colors in the pixels that kinda fascinates my tired old eyes. I highly recommend clicking on all the images to enlarge them, to get the full effect.

I do not claim to be doing anything all that new or all that different.
I am sure lots of other photographers have gone down this path before me.
But I am bringing my own sensibilities to this process, and I kinda like the results.
Every time I begin working on a new image, it's kinda fun for me to see what I'm going to come up with next.
I hope you dig the photos and photo-hybrids above.

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