Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Swoosh" - It All Depends How You Look At It

all photos copyright 2008 Larry Hoyt

- click on photo to enlarge -

What can be said about modern sculpture can also be said about a lot of things: it all depends on how you look at it.

Here are a few photos I shot of "Swoosh" (2004) - a welded steel sculpture piece by Carole Eisner, a Syracuse University alumna. This eye-catching twist of metal is on loan to the University's Connective Corridor exhibit of sculpture at Forman Park, on the east side of downtown Syracuse.

I first saw this interesting piece on August 12th as the sun was going down. The near-setting sun created some interesting shadows but also created some interesting challenges, as I tried to capture the dynamics of the sculpture without getting too much clutter in the background.

I have a feeling I'll be going back to shoot this piece again. I've also been told that other sculpture pieces will be added to Forman Park in the near future. This, in my opinion, could prove interesting.

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